

Ken is a full time professor in the Computing Science Department at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara Campus where I have been a member of the faculty since 1999 and before that as a sessional lecturer since 1995.

Current Projects

Here are the projects that I am focusing on this year (2020):

pending, I should have one of those “Under construction” images from the 90s web. If you were really bored, you could check out an old site of mine via the Wayback Machine.

Research Interests

My research interests are principally in distributed collaborative software engineering and education technology. I have developed software while working in a geographically distributed team and have experience managing teams of developers working in collaboration from a distance. I want to build tools that help people cope with the issues that make collaboration difficult in distributed teams. Some of these tools may be applicable to teams in general and others may be more focused on the issues at hand for geographically separated teams.


Ph.D Candidate (ABD), University of Alberta, pending. Supervisor: Eleni Stroulia

Master of Science in Computing Science, University of Washingon, May 1995. Advisor: Nancy Leveson. “A User Inteface for the RSML Simulator”

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science, University of Victoria, May 1993.

Work Experience

January 1999 – present: Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara.

January 1999 – present: Consulting in software engineering and systems administration (Linux).

January 2009 – May 2009. Sessional instructor for CMPUT 301 at the University of Alberta Department of Computing Science.

August 2005 – December 2008. Teaching Assistant, CMPUT 301 and advisor to Moodle implementation group at the Department of Computing Science.

April 1998 – December 1998: Software Engineer, Safeware Engineering.

January 1998 – April 1998: Software Engineer, Harley Street Software.

June 1997 – November 1997: Software Engineer, Object Technology International.

August 1995 – June 1997: Sessional instructor in the Computer Science and Math Departments at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara .


Member of the OOPSLA Conference Organizing Committee in various roles 1995-2007

Member: ACMIEEE Computer SocietyUSENIXSAGE


2018 Voted for the second time as one of “Profesores que dejaron huella” by society of ex-students of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Apparently placing me in top 5% of professors in the Tec de Monterrey over the past 75 years (1943-2018).

2013 One of “Profesores que dejaron huella” by society of ex-students of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Apparently placing me in top 5% of professors in the Tec de Monterrey over the past 70 years (1943-2013).

2007 University of Alberta Graduate Student Association Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award

2007 University of Alberta Teaching Services Graduate Student Teaching Award

2005/06 and 2006/07 Provost Doctoral Entrance Award at the University of Alberta


I have been writing on my own personal blog since 2013 which is currently titled “Connecting is Learning”.


Read Connecting is Learning


I’ve been publishing the content of my courses on the open internet since 2015.

This is part of my practice as an open education practitioner.


Ken's Courses

Mastodon css.php